When is the Best Time to Get Your Roof Inspected?

Your roof is your home’s most important line of defence against the messy and intense weather elements. With that said, keeping it in good shape is a top priority for homeowners. But since it’s out of sight, it can often be out of mind, making it easy to forget to check on what’s happening up there. That’s why annual inspections are crucial to identify any potential damage, so you won’t be faced with an unexpected cost or replacement. To keep your roof protected and extend its lifespan, read on to learn when is the best time to get your roof inspected.

After an Intense Storm

If you’ve just endured an intense storm with high wind gusts that have blown bits of debris and tree limbs around your neighbourhood, this is usually a good time to get your roof inspected. If there are any missing shingles, damaged flashing or vulnerable areas, you’ll want to know about them sooner than later so they can be repaired. Without an inspection, your roof could become more susceptible to moisture damage, mold, wood rot, and more. 

In the Fall

The roof should be inspected each and every year as a rule of thumb. The best time to get it done is during the fall, before the colder weather settles in. This is an ideal time for a number of reasons – the weather is mild and moderate, it’s safer without any icy conditions to worry about, and the temperature won’t impact the installation of materials. It’s also a good time to initiate any larger projects that might need to be fully completed in the spring, and it will uncover any potential problems with your gutter system before the winter.

Should I Hire Someone?

If your roof is more than 10 years old, we recommend hiring a roofing expert. Aside from obvious signs of damage like missing shingles, roofers are trained to look for the not so obvious signs of damage and will perform a comprehensive inspection to help it last as long as possible. 

What Will They Inspect?

Your roof inspector will analyze the materials, structure, general workmanship, and interior areas such as the attic. They’ll be looking out for water damage, issues with the chimney, moss, rot, improper venting, incorrect flashing, signs of pests, and any other red flags. Once the inspection is complete, they’ll provide you with a detailed report indicating whether any repairs are recommended. 

Avoid the headache of dealing with expensive repairs in the future by getting your roof professionally inspected each year. To schedule your roof inspection, contact Roofmaster today!