5 Effects That Winter Can Have on Your Flat Roof

With the prolonged winter weather, it’s common for our exterior surfaces to take a beating against the heavy snow, ice, and wind. Whether you own a business or a home, it’s important to be aware of any particularly vulnerable areas and to keep a close eye on them during the course of the season. This especially goes for structures with flat roofs. If you’re concerned about the effects that winter can have on your flat roof, here are some key issues to keep an eye out for this winter.

Bowing or Buckling on the Roof

Since the snow, ice, and moisture don’t have anywhere to fall off of as they accumulate, this can place a lot of heavyweight on the roof structure. With enough heavy snow and ice built up, the excessive pressure can eventually force the roof to bow and buckle. This can impact the safety of it and leave you with expensive repairs to deal with.

Water Damage

Unlike a sloped roof that directs water away, moisture can pool much easier along flat roofs. As the moisture freezes, it can block the gutters, permeate underneath the shingles, and cause water damage throughout your home or business. Even a small amount of water can cause a significant and costly amount of damage.

Tears in the Seams

Severe winter weather brings along extreme fluctuations in temperature. During these fluctuations, moisture enters a freeze and thaw cycle which forces structures – including the roof materials – to expand and contract. This can lead to tears, cracked caulking, and loose flashing.

High Winds

Blizzardy snowstorms can whip up intense wind gusts. These high winds can end up lifting and tearing away seams of the roof as well, leaving behind extensive damage come spring.

Removing Snow and Ice

Attempting to remove snow and ice from the roof can do more harm than good. Whether you use a shovel, ice pick or melting agent, either one of these can cause damage to the roof materials, including the joints, seams, and downspouts. If you’re removing snow and ice, do so very carefully, leaving a layer of snow on the roof to avoid damaging it.

For all of your roofing related needs, trust the experts at Roofmaster. We’ve been serving Ottawa residents for over 35 years with professional and reliable service they can count on. Contact us today for expert advice, to get a quote or to learn more about how we can help you.